
Wednesday, June 24, 2015

The N Word

June 24, 2015

Scenario 1:  Woman sees Facebook posting that is offensive and inflammatory.  Prudently, she addresses the note and unintentionally starts a firestorm for the one she was trying to avenge.  On the one hand, she was successful in her support but on the other, she was detrimental because adverse effects resulted.

Scenario 2:  Inadvertently, man sees old email that dealt with an issue of wife's old high school flame.  Immediate response was anger and hurt and a few other emotions, causing mistrust to rear its ugly head.  They talk about it and deal with it but the damage has been done; the seeds have sprouted and new ones have been planted.

Scenario 3:  Eight-month-old baby begins discovering his independence and starts reaching for everything in sight.  Child is told "no" and just doesn't quite understand this foreign language when previously he was offered many delights.  Child continues straining for objects and is reprimanded, often with a gentle tap on the hand to bring the point home.

Hmn.  Interesting yet unrelated themes, right?  Maybe.  Maybe not.  

Ephesians 4:25-32 has quite the wealth of wisdom in it.  Let's read it together:
Therefore, putting away lying, Let each one of you speak truth with his neighbor,” for we are members of one another. 26 “Be angry, and do not sin”: do not let the sun go down on your wrath, 27 nor give place to the devil.28 Let him who stole steal no longer, but rather let him labor, working with his hands what is good, that he may have something to give him who has need.29 Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers. 30 And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. 31 Let all bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor, and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice. 32 And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you.

Whew!  I've read it through three times now and am still gleaning from it!  So, now I want you to consider the definition for the word "no" as we continue on this train ride of thoughts.  Per, the word "no" means not in any degree or manner; not at all.  

None.  Nada.  Zilch.

The key verse for me is 27: neither give place to the devil.  Friends, if we don't let him in, if we don't listen to his lies, if we don't in any way, form, or shape give him a foothold then he cannot proceed in our lives!  Yeah, I know (shakes head woefully) that this is easier said than done.  But let's see what happens in the above stories when we do this.

Scenario 1: Woman could just let Facebook alone and deal with issues privately.  That way, dirty laundry isn't aired nor are others put into uncomfortable situations.  Result:  the devil doesn't get the victory in tearing apart friendships.  Verse 29 prevails!

Scenario 2:  Man takes a moment to see this trick of Satan to get him to doubting and fearing and instead chooses to remember that this issue has been settled and his marriage is better for it.  Result:  Anger may still happen but sin does not as Satan is defeated in trying to tear down what God has brought together.  Verse 26 allows the sun to come up in the morning because it did not set on wrath the previous night!  

Scenario 3: People give this child whatever he wants and let him find out for himself what's good and what isn't.  Kidding!!!  Result of telling child "no" is that he learns that the flesh does not do so well when it gets everything it desires.  Verse 28 allows the hands to do good rather than get smacked for messing in what doesn't need messed in.

Self-control is the key, friends.  Which lock do you need to fit it in today?  Let's pray!

Dear Lord,

I am a jumbled up mess again this morning.  So many thoughts and so little brain to handle them all.  Lord, quiet me. Still me.  Allow me to take Your yoke and be blessed.  

I'm tired.  Weary in spirit at all of the fluff I see going on around me.  Broken homes.  Broken hearts.  Broken lives.  Sad eyes.  Sad smiles.  Sad souls.

Lord, You came so that our joy may be full.  Fill me today, I pray.  I'm running low and need a free refill of Your glory.  I crave that abundant life You have provided.  Allow me to feast at Your table this morning as I ponder the above verses and take them to heart.

Finally, Lord, thank You.  My eyes are opened and they are fixed on You.  My ears aren't listening to ol' slew foot.  He's not going to trip me up when You are by my side.  Stay close today, Father, is my prayer, asked in the name of Jesus.  Amen.

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Livin' On A Prayer

Wandering Through the Bible's photo.

June 23, 2015
The other day, I had the privilege of speaking with an older saint. It was our first real conversation and, as I most always do, I focused the conversation on her so that I could get to know her better.
We started with the generalities (where do you live, married, kids, grandkids, etc) then moved into the how-long-have-you- been- attending-church-here, and then lastly, we began talking about health issues and such. As she told me how she had lost her husband and two of her grown children to cancer--along with her own heart being in poor shape physically due to having had three heart attacks--I questioned her "Kind of makes you wonder why God is keeping you here, huh?" I mean, seriously, how much can one woman take?
Now, some people would be offended at a remark like that and I guess--depending on how it was presented--it could be quite the affront. However, this woman eagerly leaned in to the table and exclaimed "Yes! I wonder that all the time!"
We went on to discuss this and what we came up with was that she is a good pray-er. She feels like she is still here so that she can pray for others. Nice, huh? Now hold on: I'm not going to send you her information so you can bombard her with prayer requests. Some things can be shared with others but oftentimes, the prayers we need to be praying are best done by us individually since we know the genuine need and just how earnest we are about bending God's ears to our cries and petitions.
Deuteronomy 10:12-13 asks us "what does the LORD your God require from you, but to fear the LORD your God, to walk in all His ways and love Him, and to serve the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul, and to keep the LORD'S commandments and His statutes which I am commanding you today for your good?"
It's pretty simple folks, when all is said and done. We have all been created for a purpose and that purpose is to walk in God's ways and to love Him. How long we have to do this is anyone's guess but, like this sweet lady I chatted with on Saturday? As long as she's here, that's what she's gonna do. Sounds like a plan to me!
Let's pray!
Dear Lord, thank You for old saints. They have so much to teach us, so much wisdom, and their hearts seem to be closer to Yours. I pray that You continue to use this woman to pray on the behalves of others and that, Lord, You too use me to walk in Your ways and to love. May it be so is my humble prayer, asked in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Monday, June 22, 2015

What a Day That Will Be!

June 22, 2015

Good morning!  Something so wonderful, so marvelous, so very special happened at church yesterday that I just must share it with you.

I think I saw Jesus.  Seriously:  I believe with all of my heart that I saw one of the sweetest representations of Christ--maybe the sweetest ever!--as I witnessed a scene that played out in front of me.  It happened like this.

A few pews ahead of me, there sat a family that included a mother, father, and son.  The son was full of love; I mean, this kid could not keep from hugging, smooching, and resting on his father.  He'd lean over and hug him--and not just a quick touching of each other.  No this kid embraced his daddy, smiled up at him as he felt the hug so lovingly returned, and then he just couldn't help it:  he had to have more.  He reached up and gave his dad a kiss.  They beamed at each other and just reveled in the nearness of being together.  Then the boy would rest his head on dad's shoulder for a moment and then, sure enough, he had to have more.  The process would start all over and the joy of being together was bringing tears to my eyes.

I sat there and thought to myself, "This is how it's going to be when I see Jesus.  I am going to be so tickled to finally be with the One Who did it all for me.  I'm going to be in His presence, in His arms, and like this sweet child, I am going to be so overcome with love that I won't be able to stop lavishing my own hugs and kisses on Jesus."

I John 3:1 tells us "How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God!"  Lavished!  Isn't that a great verb?  The definition for it is bestow something in generous or extravagant quantities upon.  It's from late Middle English and then from Old French lavasse ‘deluge of rain,’ from laver ‘to wash,’ from Latin lavare.  Pardon the old English teacher in me but I just found this word so fascinating as I pondered this verse with this real-life definition played out for me yesterday.  

Some stories I heard yesterday made my heart weep as several told sad stories of their own lacks of relationships with their earthly fathers and/or fathers of their children.  How I wish they could have seen like I was able to this perspective of what it's going to be like one day for many of us who don't/didn't have this experience on earth.  Oh my heart!  

It's going to be worth it, friends.  Hang on, hang in.  There is coming a day when that love we've yearned for will be fulfilled.  That illustration I saw yesterday will be a reality for the rest of us, one sweet day.  Our kisses will be lavished upon Jesus' face and--here's the best part--they will be returned, generously returned.  They will be poured out upon us and wash all over us.  For you see, it wasn't just a one-sided affection I witnessed.  Oh no.  Dad returned nearly every hug, nearly every kiss, and the tenderness in his eyes as he regarded his child makes me tear up even now.  Jesus, bring the rain!

Let's pray!

Oh dear Lord God, thank You for this reminder yesterday that Your love for Your children is so great, so ready, and so near.  I can almost feel it, can almost feel You, Lord, as I bask in Your presence and revel in the nearness of You.  Hurry, Lord, and come and get us all.  This is the way it should be, the way You planned it all along.  Take away our shame and sin and bring us home to You soon is my plea.  In the name of Jesus I pray it.  Amen.

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Happy Father's Day!


June 21, 2015  

Today is my and Steve's first father's day as orphans. Losing our last parent in February sealed the deal in us having no parental guidance as we make our ways in this world that is so in need of leadership. Thankfully, though--as I noted on another's Facebook page earlier this morning--it takes a village to raise children and we have been very blessed to have uncles and aunts to offer assistance on the way.

So, as many celebrate Father's Day today, remember that you too are affecting your village. You are molding and shaping and defining lives today. Be Jesus to folks today that may be bereft as they too mourn losses that are so deep. Comfort where you can. Love always.

Let's pray!

Dear Father, thank You for Your promise to not leave us alone. We ache for the tenderness of a father's touch, the gentleness of his tone. One day, Lord God, one day this will be true again for us. Even so, come Lord Jesus. We need You.