
Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Fearfully and Wonderfully Made

Wandering Through the Bible's photo.
July 15, 2015
I will praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Psalm 139:14
I have this new friend, Libby Clark, who has graciously agreed to share her art work with you, my readers. Doesn't she do a great job?! I think so too! kiki emoticon Keep reading and watching for more of her creations to be featured here at Wandering Through The Bible.
Remember how I wrote about falling down on Saturday? If not, the gist of the story is that I almost made it to the top of the stairs with my heavy load--in fact, I did make it to the top but missed the curb and then landed on my bottom. And my hand. And my arm. Ouch. I still have quite a bit of pain with this but you know what? I have been fearfully and wonderfully made! What hurts for a little while doesn't have to last. The bruises are healing; the scratches are working the pieces of skin back together. The pride may take a bit longer to negotiate though. wink emoticon
Isn't it funny how our bodies work? The slightest paper cut on a finger can cause much grief, while often a bigger injury--such as a fall or a banged head--can barely be noticed and we go about our daily ways with little thought to them? Guess that's the "wonderful" part of this verse. Now let's think about the "fearfully" part for just a minute or two.
Most of us have probably at one time or another given blood at a blood drive, right? We go in, let the workers stick us with their needles, lie there for a while as our blood fills a bag or two, and then eat a cookie (or when you go to Mountain Grove Church's Blood Drives they feed you a whole meal!), and go on our merry little ways, giving little thought to whose lives may be impacted by our small sacrifice. Am I right? Maybe those who have rarer blood types, such as my dear hubby, may consider more how theirs will be transferred, seeing how those types are in more need of this powerful fluid. Nonetheless, this minimal contribution of ours can be used in a desperate situation to indeed assist in prolonging the life of another.
Aren't you glad Jesus donated His blood so that we might be infused with this life force that promises us eternal life? Now that my friends is awesome! Wonderful! And it is also a fearful thing to know that if we don't accept His sacrifice that our days are numbered and our lives less powerful.
As you finish reading this blog, take a moment to silently thank Him for this. While you're at it, praise Him for your eyes that allowed you to see these words. And for hands that enable you to scroll through the computer. May as well tell Him thanks for a mind that is still clear and able to comprehend truth. I think you can take it from there! smile emoticon
Dear Lord,
Father, You have given us so many gifts and I want to briefly thank You for them. My eyes, my ability to think, speak, and move. Thank You for my body that takes a licking and keeps on ticking. Thank You for healing when I neglect it or when sickness comes. Thank You for creating such a wondrous pattern of veins and nerves and skin and bones and on and on and on.
Now I know there are many out there, Lord, who are suffering in their bodies as I write. I know many are fighting infections and/or cancers. Some are growing tiny little babies in theirs and again, WOW! Lord, how amazing is that?! Others God are battling diseases that I can't even spell. My friend Amanda comes to mind as she is being ravaged by TMJ and the horrible effects that go along with it. But on the other hand, my lifelong friend Melissa wrote earlier that her hubby's ol' ticker checked out well today. Woo hoo!
May I ask You to step in and do some more healing, Father? May I ask You to protect what You designed and not let the harms of this world overtake our bodies so that we are too focused on our pains and not promoting You? The devil is sneaky and he will strike at random, always trying to trip us up and bring us down to his level. Help us, I sincerely ask, to take care, to be strong in Your power, and to rely on You to complete what You began in us all those years ago.
Thank You, Lord God. You are truly wonderful! In the name of Jesus I pray. Amen.

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