
Sunday, July 12, 2015

Humpty Dumpty

Sometimes it takes a good fall to really know where you stand." Mine happened--literally--yesterday after a Crafts Day Event at church. I had jokingly told the gals to go ahead of me so if I fell, I wouldn't take them down with me. Well, guess what? They were a little too slow for me so I went on ahead. As I counted the steps, while lugging my basket of wares, I was so proud to have made it to the fifth one without stumbling but then, just as my pride was about to take form, I hear one of the ladies shout out "Don't forget about the..."
The curb, Marsha? The one that my flip flop just got caught in and made me lose my balance? I almost made it, almost was able to right myself but then gravity took over and down down down I went. The attempt to set my basket down first was nearly successful. However, when my hand went to protect me, to brace my fall, any hopes of success quickly gave way to embarrassment as I knew I wasn't going to make it, pain as my body met the pavement with a resounding thud, and did I mention humiliation as those I had just played with and had such a good time with now got to witness my clumsiness at its finest?
Paul's words in I Corinthians 10 rang in my ears: Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall. So did the devil's laughter as he gleefully enjoyed my demise. "Ha ha, old gal. You fell. You tried to tell the others to watch out and yet, you didn't make it. You thought you were successful and on your way to the top when I tripped you up. You thought the message the pastor preached the other night about my head being crushed was delightful. Well, look who's rubbing hers now! And her hand and arm. Ha ha, Stef: I can bruise your heel anytime I choose."
I had another fall today. When I was checking on my Facebook account, there was a message from one of my readers who had declared one of the pics I posted (see below) was offensive and would I take it down? I read the post, reflected on the picture, and wondered why the devil was on me again. Was the pain in my arm and hand not enough for one weekend? Had my pride not suffered enough?! Woe is me. confused emoticon
My first thoughts were angry and hurt ones but then I reflected. I pondered if this would be an opportunity to shine instead of rubbing salt in a wound that I had unknowingly opened. I wrote the reader, apologized profusely, asked her forgiveness, and...she accepted. Whew! Crisis averted! Plus, I got some unexpected but quite welcomed support from some of you that encouraged me to keep on writing, bum hand or not. I will keep on standing, even when I know there's a good chance of stumbling. Write on I will because...because it's what I do. It's my way of sharing the Good News and offering hope to those who need it most.
So, in conclusion, Humpty Dumpty here had a great fall yesterday. I lost a piece or two of skin, got a few bruises, and have some muscles that are gonna need a few days to heal. But guess what? Some of my King's (wo)men helped to put me back together again (thankfully the horses didn't have to be called in wink emoticon ). And even though the devil tried to keep me down today with the unexpected criticism, love won as Christ worked in me a more sensitive heart. Had I not been feeling a little battered, I might have responded in the flesh rather than with a heart that was sensitive and looking beyond the initial remarks for a deeper need. I don't know who this lady was but for some reason, she was drawn to a page from my blog. Let's pray for her, for me, and for all those others out there who happen upon it. Let's pray that God uses us all, ties our hearts and our stories together, and that He is glorified above all--even if that means we look up at him from the bottom of a parking lot. smile emoticon
Dear Lord, thank You for my fall yesterday. Thank You for humbling me and placing me in the position of not being able to do any other thing than to look up and to accept the hands that were surrounding me and helping to lift me up. Those friends of mine's hands supported me in time of crisis and now I pray they are folded in prayer as they lift me up once again to You so that I may be used--battered, bruised, yet blessed--to honor Your name and Your sacrifices.
Help us all I pray, dear Father, to see the good in bad situations, to see Your hand at work in our lives, and to always, always be ready to get up and not stay down and wallow in our momentary afflictions. Thank You for Marsha and Audrey, and Charmeyne and Phoebe. Bless them I pray, bless my readers, and may we bless You in return is my hope. Amen!

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