July 16, 2015
I just got finished mowing a few minutes ago. The June Bugs (who apparently didn't get the memo that it's July are a bit behind schedule) were out in full force. I really don't like bugs so I was not excited to see them. As I neared their "turf," I straightened myself in anticipation of not aggravating them so that they wouldn't decide to gang up on me and attack. I'd hold my breath and silently pray that they'd leave me alone but, oh no, guess God wanted to laugh at ol' Stef today so He sent them flying to me, around me, daring to get as close as my nose as they whizzed by, darting to and fro, caring not if they made contact.
It reminded me of an old saying my love coined years ago: if you aren't living on the edge, then you are taking up too much space. Yeah, that's him in the picture, old graybeard himself. He teaches me many things and I am constantly inspired by his wisdom, his wit, and his wonderfulness.
As those June Bugs flew around me, they could have cared less if that was their last flight. As they soared to the ground to see if I had made them lunch (ugh: that's a visual we don't need) you'd have thought they would have been grateful and left me alone but no, they kept circling, kept buzzing around when I'd get near where they were dining, and overall, they just kept on bugging me (pun intended). They were living life to the fullest and if it was to be the last time their wings flapped then so be it.
Ahh, to be so carefree. To fly. I've always wanted to fly but if given wings I don't believe I would be so reckless as to fly right in the face (ha! I punned again!) of danger. I would soar, over the hills and rivers, through the cities and their skyscrapers. I'd swoop down occasionally for a closer look at families celebrating life in their backyards and edge in closer to hear the laughter of the kids playing. I'd zoom to place after place, feeling the wind in my fur, and catch a breeze as I floated off into the wild blue yonder. I'd eat bugs and worms and then realize that perhaps being a bird isn't so wonderful after all.
Living on the edge. Chip Ingram's ministry is entitled this way. Bon Jovi sings of living on a prayer. An old hymn teaches us that living by faith is the way to go. Tim McGraw crooned to us about living like we were dying so as to not waste any more moments of this precious life we have been given. Beth Moore has her Living Proof Ministry that educates us on the wonders of Christ and to be living examples of Him. Most importantly, though, Jesus Christ puts it this way in John 10:10 when He said "The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly."
So, how 'bout it, folks? Ready to get out there, on the edge, living lives of faith, singing songs, and enjoying this gift to its fullest extent? You don't have to take chances but...why not go out on a limb? I've heard that's where the fruit is. Challenge yourselves to take a risk here and there. Cross those items off of your bucket lists as you give in to the excitement of trying new things. Do all to the glory of God and it will be well with your souls.
Let's pray!
Hmn, Lord, where to start thanking You today? With the bugs that teach me there are always going to be obstacles in my way but that also teach me to not care what others think? Or perhaps with thanking You for my beloved husband who is continually inspiring me, even when he's only in my thoughts and not in my physical presence? Maybe I should thank You for all of the great song writers and singers who allow my heart to ponder and my voice to sing praises (but if I do that, Lord, I will also have to thank You for the ability to do this in the car, shower, and privacy of my home so as to not hurt Your other kids' ears)?
I most likely should thank You for You. The provisions You have supplied for me, the beauty of this earth, the wonders of Your creation, the Words of Life that allow me to live and not to just exist. All of these--and so much more--I thank You, God, for. May my appreciation be evident in the life I lead and the words I write and the songs I sing and the prayers I pray. These blessings I thank You for in the name of Jesus Christ, my Lord and Saviour. Amen.
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