
Thursday, July 30, 2015

Look Up!

Wandering Through the Bible's photo.
Have you heard that tomorrow night there is supposed to be a blue moon? I don't believe I've ever seen one so I am quite excited about it.
Have you heard that Jesus is coming back? I've seen signs about His return and heard stories about it my whole life. I'm quite excited about that as well.
Did you read my blog yesterday, asking you to tell me what's wrong with you that maybe you haven't told anyone else? Did you feel my heart reaching out to yours? Did you know I've been waiting my whole life to be heard and not just listened to--much like those of you who wrote to me and shared your stories? I was quite excited about that. And saddened. And...? And I was humbled. I was seared by the words written as they resonated within my own soul. That old expression "misery loves company" is true in part. To know someone understands your hurts and haunts even though your paths most likely won't cross down here is invaluable.
Our stories, friends, often have the same theme. The plot line may be a little different and some of the characters aren't quite the same but the similarities are obvious. The hurts common. The difference is the way we have allowed and are still allowing God to work in us to take those aches away.
I had lunch today with a new friend and what should have only been a 1-3 hour event turned into one that lasted nearly 6 hours. Why? What made this woman so special that I spent a whole afternoon with her and she with me when we'd only met once before in a social setting? I'll tell you. God allowed us to have kindred spirits, willing hearts that dared once more to reach out to another soul when so many in our pasts have let us down. He allowed us to tell things to each other that few others were privy to. We felt safe and trusted Him enough to bless this meeting. Will we have another "date" such as this? Who knows? I hope so! I'm excited about that.
In conclusion to this scattered thoughts blog (you know I don't always make much sense after 7:00 pm), here are my final words: look up. Look up to see the blue moon tomorrow night. Look up to see Jesus on the horizon. Look up to see that not everyone is looking down on you but instead, they are waiting to make eye contact with you, to connect with you, and to comfort you--often without even realizing they are being a balm to your soul. Our redemption draweth nigh, friends. Look up!

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

What's your problem?

Wandering Through the Bible's photo.

July 29, 2015
What's wrong with you? Seriously, if someone was to sit down with you and be prepared to actually listen--listen and not interrupt with their "I'll tell you what you need to do" spiel--what would you tell her?
One day if I am in the position again to do such, I plan to have a meeting where I have the ladies in it fill out an index card with five things on it that tell what they wish others knew about them. You see, so many of us are harboring secret pains, secret fears, hurts, haunts, and thoughts that we just wish we could share with someone. Not to whine about and not to elicit sympathy but just so that others would know that we hurt, that we need, and that we need a little help.
What about you, sister? If you were in my meeting, what would be on your list? That persistent cough that keeps you from laughing too much for fear of your tears running down your leg? Or, on a more serious level, that certain time of the year--say Mother's Day--when so many around are celebrating the fact that they had a mom who was priceless when yours wasn't so great--or maybe because you yourself haven't had the opportunity to give birth? Maybe it's that you have chronic pain that doesn't allow you to participate in activities because your body just can't function like it should and you wind up looking lazy or useless when inside you are so wishing you could get more involved? Maybe it's that your husband isn't really nice to you in private. Maybe your kid(s) treat you poorly. Perhaps you have a dream to be a _____________(fill in the blank) and you just can't get the support you need to try to pursue it.
Do these issues bother you at night, when instead of sleeping peacefully, they rage inside of you? Do your secret tears and pleas to God to make it better keep you from resting so that in the morning you wake up drained and just wish you didn't have to face the day? Does even this sweet Bible verse I've listed cause you to cringe because no matter how you try, you just can't seem to find your joy--in the morning, in the afternoon, nor at night?
Sigh. I've been there. And truthfully? Sometimes I go back for visits, even though I'd prefer to stay on top of the mountain rather than go through the valley where it can be dark and lonely. Why? Honestly? Sometimes--even though it's dreary and cold there--it's safe. I know my pain. I know my misery. I know my loneliness. No matter how many (if any) folks try to understand, they just don't get it. They don't get me. Or if they start to, I can be more than they really want to get involved with. You see, like me, they have their own pains and issues to deal with. Maybe they have enough folks in their support groups and networks of friends and don't have room for one more.
I wish I could tell you this is just a lie from the devil but...there's too much truth in there, right? So many women seem to have it all together or have their groups already sealed that an outsider may be invited in for a party or two but to be allowed full membership is just not in their plan. I wish I could tell you to just hang on; that that one soul sister is just waiting to be connected to you. I wish I could tell you that if you would just pray about these things that God would take them all away from you and have you come out on top but I can't do this. I can't give you false hopes and fake promises.
What I can do though is pray for you. I can listen. You don't want advice and you don't need any more scripture references, do you? You just want someone to listen, to care. You just want someone to hear you, to hear what you don't say as much as what you speak. So, here I am. I offer myself to you this morning to send me your lists, to write me your hearts, and to pour yourselves out in a note that will be read by an objective soul who truly only wants to try to ease your load this day. My email is What you write will not be shared with anyone else other than my Father because that's the only other One Who can make a difference. I invite you to unburden yourselves today.
Let's pray.
Oh Lord, how many of your daughters are out there, reading this note, and wanting some relief? How many are enslaved to private pains and they just want some release? I know personally how much just writing things out can ease some of the pressures so--even if they don't share their stories with me--I hope that they too can find some comfort in just putting to pen and paper the things that are troubling them and that they will commit them afresh to You. If I could, I'd take those tears that they've yet to shed because they just can't let someone see them cry and I'd bottle them up and use them to nourish our dry land. Those tears, Lord, could probably ease the drought issues we are experiencing.
Father, may Your will be done today as hearts dare to open, as they cautiously approach this offer to share what's bothering them, and may You be shown mighty and powerful as You teach them that You overcame death and that we have the same power in us to do so when we trust in You. Help! We're crying out to You today. Restore us, Lord, we pray, in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Oh be careful little mouth what you say

Wandering Through the Bible's photo.

July 28, 2015

Warning: boots may be needed to continue reading today's blog because I fear some toes may be stepped upon. Read on at your own risk.
Ooh, that sounds kind of ominous, doesn't it? Wonder how many folks have already stopped reading? Oh well: you're still here and that's who I wanted to talk to anyways.
I've been pondering humans and humanity for a while now. At my age, I am tired of game playing where folks will go along with the crowd so that they may be considered part of the crowd but then are unable to stand on their own when no one else is around. Does that make sense? It's easy to say one thing--and fully believe you mean it--when you have accountability partners there to assist you in whatever goal you are reaching for. Take exercise, for instance. It's so much easier to stay with it when you have someone beside you, working with you, pushing you to complete and to not give up.
But when that person leaves and you are left to your own devices, then what? Or when you agree to be a part of something--say a visitation ministry or support group--but the ones you sought to impress aren't physically there, rather than focusing on the object at hand, you bail. You meant it when you committed but...but only if a certain somebody was going to see your actions.
Let's go a little further. Ever had someone ask you to pray for them? Ever seen a posting or been in a prayer service and jotted that soul's name down and never thought of them again--but at the time someone was led to believe you'd actually follow through on your vow? I see so many times "praying" on the comment section of a request. I hear the words "our thoughts and prayers go out to the..." blah blah blah as celebrities, politicians, and the media are prone to say when disaster strikes. This evokes a sense of gratitude, of hope, of trust that another soul is out there, praying on your behalf when in actuality chances are good you've not been given a second thought. Out of sight, out of mind.
I John 3:18 says: Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth. The Fixx had a hit song back in 2009 called "One Thing Leads to Another." The chorus includes these words:
Why don't they
Do what they say
Say what they mean
One thing leads to another♫
Right now, I am remembering a dear child who told me what she thought I wanted to hear, along with a promise to follow up on what she was complimenting me about. Yeah. Guess what? There was no follow up, no conversation about what we had just discussed. But, because she thought her words were comforting and made her look like she really cared about what I was going through, she felt good in her heart about having done "the right thing." Does that make sense? Basically, she thought she was soothing me, stroking my ego, when in fact her words of "support" showed the opposite and left me feeling most unsupported. Sigh. It made her feel good to play the role of an adult, to say the things adults say to one another, and to have me think she has really grown into a woman of God. However, what it made me see was that yes, she is nearly an adult, yes she is playing the pretend role of one (because--after all--isn't that what adults do: tell you one thing and forget that promise when you are no longer in their sight?), and instead of being a woman of God, she is a woman of the world. My disappointment is palpable.
In conclusion, what I guess I am writing is a warning for us: if you don't mean it, don't say it. Don't try to placate others with soothing words that end up rubbing us the wrong way when you don't follow through. Just pat me on the hand and tell me I'm pretty instead. It would have about as much effect as your lie does.
Let's pray. I didn't know I was so upset over this incident until I started blogging on it. You know, Lord, being lied to has always been my number one pet peeve. This child did it by the oft touted "sin of omission" defense but...I still feel pricked and am not happy to see the youth of today turning into carbon copies of the women of yesterday.
Lord, we have GOT to be different. We have GOT to love in spirit and in truth. May we not tickle ears but instead may we touch hearts when our actions back up our words. Help me most with this, Father, so that I don't become hypocritical and judgmental and be a liar too.
Thank You, Lord, for this lesson this morning. Guard my tongue today, I ask, and help me to be a catalyst into changing this way of "Christianity" into one of Christ-likeness. In Your Son Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

My (Partial) Bucket List

I saw this challenge on Lisa Wingate's Facebook Page and thought, "Why not?"  So, in no particular order, here are ten of my things to do before my days down here are over.

  1. Learn to swim
  2. Parasail over the beach
  3. Be a success at my writing
  4. Have my daughter admire me
  5. Lead a women's ministry that encourages us all to grow closer to our Lord Jesus Christ
  6. Go on a train ride across certain parts of the United States
  7. Design a webpage that is stupendous
  8. Spend a long vacation at the beach in the winter
  9. See my grandsons accept Christ as their Saviour
  10. Be known as "that lady who really lived for Jesus"

Monday, July 27, 2015

The War Within

Wandering Through the Bible's photo.

Was your weekend full of fun, fellowship, and fabulousness (yes, I did just make up that word!)? Mine was too, for the most part. Yeah, there's always a catch, isn't there? Always something trying to get in and cause destruction, aggravation, and damage my calm.
I let it--for a little while. Okay, I let it for longer than it should have been allowed to perturb me. And then I let it seep into my fun time I had been having with my hubby. And then? And then we addressed it. We addressed the issues (yeah, there were more than one) and we fought back. Remember my blog from the other day about this? If not, read July 20th's blog for a refresher.
Taking these thoughts of ours captive is an ongoing struggle sometimes. So thankfully--since we aren't in this walk alone--God provides us with assistance. He sends men like James MacDonald to post little snippets to us that are just so timely. Take this one, for instance: God has given you power for circumstances, love for relationships, and a sound mind for internal battles. 2 Timothy 1:7. Whom did God give this power to? That's right. You. Me. So, as I often like to do, let's rewrite this verse and see if we can't make it more personal and meaningful, shall we?
God has given Stefanie power for circumstances. He has given Stefanie love for relationships. He has given Stefanie a sound mind for internal battles.
Wasn't that just so nice of Him?! I've got the power (I wish I could insert Snap singing this line like I do often--even though I have no idea who Snap is, I have heard this snippet often and proclaim it loudly when necessary). I have the this power for whatever circumstances arise that threaten my mood, my thoughts, and my attitude toward whatever life throws at me.
I've also been given love. Lots of it. It flows through me and lights up my spirit when I allow this blessed feeling to rule me.
Now, for the part that many will find hard to believe: I have been given a sound mind. Yeah, I had a bit of trouble with that too--especially since other versions use the words "self-discipline" or "self-control." But it's true in whichever version you choose to use. God has given me His Word to read, He's given me His servants to teach me, and He's given me Himself to guide me. I love studying and learning more about Him, about Jesus, about the way love really is. Those lessons are embedded in my tiny little brain and I've proven many of them true time and time again.
So, in conclusion, what's it going to be, friends? Are we going to keep letting the devil steal from us what we have fought so hard to achieve? Are we going to keep listening to his lies, still keep stumbling over his stones he puts in front of us, and rely on memories from long ago to rule our heads rather than focusing on the present, the here and now, and the truth that we now know as such? Are we going to be so easily swayed and bewitched that the slightest thing sets us off or are we going to use that control God has given us, use that love to conquer all, and radiate the power He gives us when we allow Him to rule in our lives? It's not such a tough choice, now is it? I choose Jesus! I hope you will as well.
Let's pray!
Dear Lord, as I recall how easily my joy was tempered on Saturday, I bow my head in shame. I knew better. I knew what was going on. I knew that it wasn't that big of a deal but still...still I allowed myself to lose control and whine and pout until my way was taken. Yeah, it turned out okay in the end, but not because of my self-control but rather that of Steve's and the wisdom and calm that he (mostly) allowed to rule the situation. He had a moment or two as well, in all honesty, and You allowed me to be the voice of reason for a time. Thanks for that too, Lord. It's good to know I am not always in the wrong!
Lord, we need You. We need more of You. We need to constantly immerse ourselves in Your truths and Your salvation. We need to rely on You when the devil starts his whispering campaigns and tries to make us doubt one another or tries to cause havoc when there is just so much going on that is good.
Thank You for the common sense You gave us. Thank You for the deep love he and I have for one another. And thank You mostly, Lord God, for teaching us how this prevails above all. May You continue working in the both of us and the others out there who may be struggling with similar issues is my prayer today. In the name of Jesus Christ I ask these things. Amen.

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Death by Chocolate

True story. The other day I, my daughter, and my three gsons stopped at My Local Bakery for an afternoon treat. To say Tubbs' eyes lit up like a kid in a candy store would be an understatement. What joy it brought to my heart and the delight I felt as I saw him realize this was a pretty special place.

Meanwhile, the other two were checking out the goodies in the showcases. As I rattled off the description for each cupcake, their eyes darted back and forth, trying to decide which flavor to choose. Finally, when I had named nearly all of them, my darling middle gson spotted one I had missed.
"What's that one called, Granny?"

"That one is called 'Death by Chocolate.'"
His eyes got huge, and as he cautiously backed away from the counter, he whispered, "Is there really death in it?"
I laughed and told him to ask the lady waiting on us. She assured him that there wasn't any death in it but--from a safe distance, just in case--he decided to go for the cake pop instead. ðŸ˜¨
What is it about death that scares so many? I cannot tell you how many times I've heard someone asked about their physical health and heard the nitty gritty details, followed by this statement: but it sure beats the alternative. Seriously?
Jesus told us to not fear death. He said He'd walk through its shadow with us. He said He's preparing a place for us. Hmm, um, have you noticed the condition of this world lately? Like Paul wrote, to die is to gain. Yet many I know want to prolong this for as long as possible.
As children of God, friends, we need not fear death. Sure, those left behind will have to deal with our loss, but we must trust that our holy Father will take care of them. He truly and surely knows best. So, go ahead and eat that 'Death by Chocolate' cupcake. Sounds like a pretty good way to go to me! ðŸ’’
Let's pray!
Dear Lord, thank You that I do not have to fear death. Thank You for the assurance of a better life, an eternal security, but mostly, thank You for allowing me the opportunity to spend it with You. What a day that will be!! Amen!

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

I Met Him at the Candy Store (Well, Not Really But It Kinda Goes With Today's Story)

July 22, 2015              

Did your granny ever tell you not to take candy from a stranger?  Did your parents ever teach you to not let unknown people hug on you?  Mine did too and if they were still alive, I'd probably be getting a spanking about now.

Look at this picture.  No, those aren't Cow Tails or Bull's Eyes.  These are made out of chocolate.  Yeah, that caught my attention too so, being the hip-and-with-it-soul that I am, I grabbed a bag of them while at Food Lion just a little while ago.  Interestingly enough, they also caught the cashier's eye.  She commented on how she'd never seen these before.  I remarked back that I hadn't either and after she'd ring them up, we'd try them together.  I opened the bag and got out two or three (three--this I know 'cause there was one extra).  She thanked me and said I had made her day.  Wow:  over a piece of candy?

As we chewed on the delights (and I assure you, they are really good!!), I pondered her words--after asking the man behind me if he wanted a piece too because he commented on how I was going to spoil the help.  As she finished totaling up my order and I placed all my bags in my cart, I reached in and got her a handful more to snack on later.  Great minds must think alike because--not to be outdone--she told me my total and said she had added a coupon to it because I had been so nice.  As I handed her the caramel chews, my eyes got a little misty.  I told her that was so nice of her and as she took the candies from my hand, she said "Now you can't leave here without giving me a hug!"  How could I refuse?!

Funny thing about this--well, maybe funny isn't the right word.  She was a younger girl.  My heart is still wandering over how a couple of pieces of candy could impact her so deeply.  Candy?  And just a few cents worth, at that.  Hmn.  We hugged and then I went on my merry little way with a smile on my face and curiosity  in my heart.

Before I had decided to even go to Food Lion for groceries, I had been pondering whether to go there or to my usual, Fair Value, but (and here's where I get to be like Jesus today) I really felt compelled to go to Food Lion (much like when He "must needs go through Samaria").  When I was in the candy aisle, I saw those tasty treats and debated about whether or not to get them because Steve rarely eats candy but--since they were so much like the Bull's Eyes that my gsons love--I decided to give them a try.  

So, as I conclude this blog today, I do so with a question for you:  does God really care about every little detail of my life?  Does He really concern Himself over where I shop, what items I buy, and how nice (or unnice) I am to those who assist me, serve me, and just chat to in line at various places?  Does He really care if I "like" or repost something on Facebook?  Does He even bother with the way I talk to people on the phone that I will probably never see?

Yeah.  I think--I believe He does.  I think His eyes are on the sparrows and that they are most certainly on me.  Kind of keeps me on my toes but in a good way.  After all, why would I want to be mean to others when the benefits of being sweet are so.... sweet themselves?  Besides, I don't want Taylor Swift singing "Why you gotta be so mean?" when instead I can hear the soft whispers of "Well done, My child."  

Let's pray!!

Dearest Lord God, thank You for the opportunity to do such a small thing today that had such a big impact on my heart and on my disposition.  Lord, You know the devil has been on me all day and most of last night, trying to get me to feel sorry for myself over things that just don't concern me anymore.  You know he has tried to steal my joy, my peace.  Thank You for being stronger than he is and for allowing me to stand in Your strength as I battle my own demons by focusing on others instead of self.

Help me to do more, Lord.  Help me to not be afraid to get involved in the lives of those around me--whether in my church, my community, or in my circles.  Use me to reflect the love of Jesus is my request, asked in His name.  Love You!  Amen!

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Oh be careful little mouth what you say

Ephesians 4:26-29 tells us "In your anger do not sin: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, and do not give the devil a foothold...Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen."
This is a great passage for many reasons. The first one is that it validates the fact that we are going to be angry. If you are like me--even though it's still early--there has already been a couple of things to make my blood boil.
Boil? This early? Wow: what were they?
Well (since you asked) I got kind of upset when I saw that the devil had been messing with one of my sisters. He really got her riled up during the night and caused her to get white hot angry, the kind that makes you say things you wouldn't normally say and reflects poorly against my Dad. The other was when I turned on the news to see that the weather and Donald Trump were much more important than the terrorist in my own country that killed those who are serving it.
But I stray. This is another trick of the devil: he gets our attention on the things that make us emotional rather than allowing us to stay focused on The One Who is in charge of it all. Those footholds spoken of in these verses? Yeah, that's how he operates, from the bottom, waiting to trip us up. But notice what the verse says next: "do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths." If he can trip us up and then make us swear or fuss, then he wins double. Not only did he cause us pain, he allowed us to voice that misery and possibly defame our Lord in the process. That's why it is so important to guard our tongues, friends!
The last part of the verse states "Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen." We are to speak what is helpful so that we may build others up. When we are angry, do our words of "helpfulness" spur further rage or do they allow a balm to cool us down? When I saw the note my friend wrote, my first thought was to send her a note and let her know that I was sorry she had to experience this attack but then--because she is my sister and needs a little boost--I reminded her that she should not let this incident ruin her testimony. I encouraged her to talk to me if she needed to vent but to not let the world know about her angst.
Now, as for Donald Trump, what color of dress Bruce Jenner is wearing (wink at John), or how amazed we should be because in the midst of summer it is hot, I really have no words to offer so I will stay mute on those subjects. Instead, I will leave you with these words of hope that may encourage you throughout this day to keep your chins up, your feet from falling, and your lips from being used bitterly:
A new business is open and one of the owner’s friends wants to send him flowers for the occasion. They arrive at the business site and the owner reads the card: “Rest in Peace.” Understandably the owner is angry and calls the florist to complain. After he tells the florist the obvious mistake and how angry he is, the florist replies, “Sir, I’m really sorry for the mistake, but rather than getting angry, you should imagine this. Somewhere there is a funeral taking place today, and they have flowers with a card saying, ‘Congratulations on your new location.’"
Let's pray!
Dear Lord, please help us today to keep a smile on our face, our tongues in place, and to walk in Your grace. In the name of Jesus I pray, amen.

Monday, July 20, 2015

Sweet Dreams

July 20, 2015

Do you ever argue with yourself?  Do you ever find that you have these battles in your mind over what is what and what is not?  I do too!  If someone was to step inside of my thoughts and see the turmoil going on, they would grab a life jacket and beg to be let out of this ocean of emotions!

Take last night, for instance.  I had this awful dream.  Rarely (praise the Good Lord) am I one who has bad dreams but for the past week or so I have been taking a Melatonin pill (under my doctor's advisement) each night because my sleep pattern has been interrupted.  One of the side effects of this supplement though is that it can cause folks to have vivid dreams and/or nightmares.  Twice since I have been on this I have had some doozies!

Anyway, throughout this episode last night, my subconscious mind would tell my self in the dream to not think a certain way.  Or it would recall scripture to help me fight the fear that was overtaking me.  Recollections of lessons my hubby taught me on gun control (oh yeah:  my mind went there) and the best way to protect myself ran through the halls of my dwelling.  I could even tell myself to wake up, this was only a dream, and to not let my thoughts be led astray by things that were only being imagined.  Whew!  It was exhausting and my thoughts this morning are that I'd rather miss a few zzzzs than to go through this stuff again!

II Corinthians 10:5 tells us that we are to captivate our thoughts.  Yes, I've written on this before and probably will again because our minds just don't stop!  We need to be constantly reminded of what is true and how to stop negativity from taking over our minds--even when we think they are shut down and resting during our sleeping times.  Think about it a moment:  when you dream, are you in control?  Do you ever find yourself longing to stay asleep because the fantasy going on in your head is just too good to leave?  For many, sleep is an escape but for some it's just another place to be attacked by that sneaky devil.  Memories of the past are intertwined with hopes for the future when life is just a little too real for some of us to think of.  Plus, in our dreams, we can put on those rose-colored glasses and nudge our thoughts into directions that didn't really pan out in reality.  For instance, in my dreams, my parents loved and cared for me.  When I dream of them, I can often somehow lead my thoughts down this road and find security that I lacked when they were still alive.  I can be the favorite--or at least one who was favored.  But when I wake up?  The desolation returns and the devil scores another victory for making me lose my joy during that time when I should have been refreshing and preparing for another day of the Lord.

It's tough, friends, taking these thoughts and putting them on hold, if allowing them to come out at all.  When our defenses are down--such as when we sleep, are sick, or are just feeling sorry for ourselves--we are most vulnerable.  The devil doesn't go on vacation and therefore we must be on guard continuously!  So, as you know, today is Monday.  Get your armor out and on!  Don't let the troubles that are going to come catch you unawares.  Be prepared and you know what?  That's half of the battle.  Knowing you will be attacked when you least expect it--but instead you do expect it because you are a grown-up Christian now and know better--will assist you in being victorious.  The other half though?  That half comes from the Lord Himself.  He told us that when we are weak, He is strong.  He told us He'd carry those burdens for us.  He told us His yoke was easy and to come to Him with our cares.  So, let's take Him up on it, shall we?  Oh yeah:  if someone is willing to make my life easier, you can bet I'm taking advantage of that!  Won't you too?

Let's pray!

Dear Lord, how great it is that You take care of Your own, that You allow us rest when we are most tired.  Father, our minds are playgrounds and we want to be able to have fun up there, not be tormented on the merry-go-round that often threatens to make us dizzy and lose our balance.  We want to laugh and be carefree but too often we instead are careless and wander where we shouldn't.  Help us, sweet Lord, to not venture into territories that are unknown except when we are fully sure that You are leading us there.  Help us to filter our eyes so that what goes into our heads is pure, sweet, lovely, kind, and true.  Smarten us up so that we don't believe the lies of the devil.  Remind us our pasts are done with and we cannot change them nor romanticize them into things that they just really weren't.  Our future is in You, Lord God.  Help us, I ask, to press forward, leaving the past behind, not giving into vain wonderings, and help us mostly, Lord, to think on You.  This is my prayer and I believe You will answer it because it will honor You.  I am boldly coming to You this morning, God, because my needs are so great that I must tell You about them and believe that You will fix me.  I know You can help me.  You delight in this so today, please Father, delight in me.  Amen.                  

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Shine On!

2015-07-19  Let your light so shine.jpg

July 19, 2015
Have you ever been in the spotlight? Maybe you were on stage for a production of some sort. Maybe it was not a "real" spotlight but you were the major focus of some event or speech. Whatever the instance might be, how did you do? How would others rate your performance?
Yesterday, a local church was hit by lightning and was destroyed. Let me rephrase that: the building was ruined but the people, the congregation, and even the community around the church? Oh no, my dear ones, they aren't dark. Their luster is still abounding. They aren't quitting.
This morning, I read on Facebook an article from the Charlotte Observer, telling about a group called the "Nones," which means they are not declaring affiliation with any religion. Typically the comments that readers make tells me more about the story than the actual article. In this case, I was saddened but understanding of why a generation that has grown up in the last three to four decades would feel that they wanted no part of organized religion, although many professed that while they don't go to church, they are still interested in doing good works because of a sense of morality that they feel.
Okay then Stef, what are you saying here? On one hand you are commending the church and on the other? Well, you aren't quite saying anything that supports the church.
I know! I'll let Jesus say what I'm trying to get across. He's so much better at it than I am anyways. Matthew 5:16 quotes Him with these words: "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven."
Clear now? Did the light bulbs start appearing above your heads? Whether in church or on the shore, whether in a group or as an individual, and whether you have a leader or you are a loner, you can still shine. You can still do good works. The difference though is that of will God be glorified by your works or will you? Will He be uplifted or will self?
I am no fan of religion. I have little patience for judgmental folks who are in positions of authority that abuse their roles while accusing others about their lifestyles. What I do like though is a man of God who stands before people and speaks truth--truth as declared in the scriptures. Jesus told us to love one another as He loved us. That's not so complicated, is it? And the best way I know to love is to just do it. Just smile at people. Listen to their stories. Share their lives--the good, the bad, and the ugly. Be a friend to them. Tell them about Jesus if they don't know Him and to hear from them about Him when they do. It's really quite simple. Enlightening, even.
Let's pray!
Dear Lord, thank You for the lessons You teach through Your Word and the examples of Your children who model them. As my heart aches for the loss of the building of Bethlehem Baptist Church, it also cheers for the spirit of its people. May they continue being a lighthouse in their community and may others be drawn to be a part of this congregation because of the example they are setting.
And for the "Nones" Lord I pray that they will find a home, a body of believers who may find solace and companionship with men and women of God and may they raise families that know You as Lord and Saviour. Show them that their good works are in vain unless they are doing them for Your glory.
Lastly Lord, I pray for us, Your children. May our lights shine brightly for You, today and every day. Help us? Thank so much! I love You, Lord God, and thank You for loving me first. In the name of Jesus I pray. Amen.

Saturday, July 18, 2015


July 18, 2015                                

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Philippians 4:8
This is definitely one of my all-time favorite verses. I just wrote it on the panel of my cupboard that my darling hubby made me a couple of years ago. Sorry my handwriting isn't so great but...don't think about that. Instead, think of what is indeed lovely!
If you look, you will see many things going on in this world that are untrue, that aren't right, and definitely have little purity in them. Yet, if you will take a moment to gaze a little deeper, you will find the nobility. You will see the admirable actions of those around you. Excellence abounds as do things that are worthy about proclaiming. These are the things to be thinking about, my sisters and brothers. These are the things we are to ponder on. These are the things we need to focus on.
I haven't asked for your participation lately so let's fix that. In the comment section, list one or more things, one or more "whatevers," and let us all know what you are considering today. Maybe it's the success of a recent mission trip or Bible School. Perhaps it's the recollections of a beautiful wedding you attended where the bride was particularly lovely--or the birth of a new baby. Maybe it's just joy at being alive and healthy. Whatever, will you share it with me today? Thanks! I look forward to being encouraged by these all day long!
Let's pray!
Whatever Lord. Whatever You allow in my life is what I want to be thankful for, is what I want to consider and meditate on. Nothing comes into my life that hasn't been sifted through Your hands first so as my day rolls along, my hope is that I will ponder this and try to anticipate what the good is that You are working in my life through these whatevers. In the name of Jesus I pray. Amen!

Thursday, July 16, 2015

I'm on the Verge!

Wandering Through the Bible's photo.
July 16, 2015
I just got finished mowing a few minutes ago. The June Bugs (who apparently didn't get the memo that it's July are a bit behind schedule) were out in full force. I really don't like bugs so I was not excited to see them. As I neared their "turf," I straightened myself in anticipation of not aggravating them so that they wouldn't decide to gang up on me and attack. I'd hold my breath and silently pray that they'd leave me alone but, oh no, guess God wanted to laugh at ol' Stef today so He sent them flying to me, around me, daring to get as close as my nose as they whizzed by, darting to and fro, caring not if they made contact.
It reminded me of an old saying my love coined years ago: if you aren't living on the edge, then you are taking up too much space. Yeah, that's him in the picture, old graybeard himself. He teaches me many things and I am constantly inspired by his wisdom, his wit, and his wonderfulness.
As those June Bugs flew around me, they could have cared less if that was their last flight. As they soared to the ground to see if I had made them lunch (ugh: that's a visual we don't need) you'd have thought they would have been grateful and left me alone but no, they kept circling, kept buzzing around when I'd get near where they were dining, and overall, they just kept on bugging me (pun intended). They were living life to the fullest and if it was to be the last time their wings flapped then so be it.
Ahh, to be so carefree. To fly. I've always wanted to fly but if given wings I don't believe I would be so reckless as to fly right in the face (ha! I punned again!) of danger. I would soar, over the hills and rivers, through the cities and their skyscrapers. I'd swoop down occasionally for a closer look at families celebrating life in their backyards and edge in closer to hear the laughter of the kids playing. I'd zoom to place after place, feeling the wind in my fur, and catch a breeze as I floated off into the wild blue yonder. I'd eat bugs and worms and then realize that perhaps being a bird isn't so wonderful after all.
Living on the edge. Chip Ingram's ministry is entitled this way. Bon Jovi sings of living on a prayer. An old hymn teaches us that living by faith is the way to go. Tim McGraw crooned to us about living like we were dying so as to not waste any more moments of this precious life we have been given. Beth Moore has her Living Proof Ministry that educates us on the wonders of Christ and to be living examples of Him. Most importantly, though, Jesus Christ puts it this way in John 10:10 when He said "The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly."
So, how 'bout it, folks? Ready to get out there, on the edge, living lives of faith, singing songs, and enjoying this gift to its fullest extent? You don't have to take chances but...why not go out on a limb? I've heard that's where the fruit is. Challenge yourselves to take a risk here and there. Cross those items off of your bucket lists as you give in to the excitement of trying new things. Do all to the glory of God and it will be well with your souls.
Let's pray!
Hmn, Lord, where to start thanking You today? With the bugs that teach me there are always going to be obstacles in my way but that also teach me to not care what others think? Or perhaps with thanking You for my beloved husband who is continually inspiring me, even when he's only in my thoughts and not in my physical presence? Maybe I should thank You for all of the great song writers and singers who allow my heart to ponder and my voice to sing praises (but if I do that, Lord, I will also have to thank You for the ability to do this in the car, shower, and privacy of my home so as to not hurt Your other kids' ears)?
I most likely should thank You for You. The provisions You have supplied for me, the beauty of this earth, the wonders of Your creation, the Words of Life that allow me to live and not to just exist. All of these--and so much more--I thank You, God, for. May my appreciation be evident in the life I lead and the words I write and the songs I sing and the prayers I pray. These blessings I thank You for in the name of Jesus Christ, my Lord and Saviour. Amen.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Fearfully and Wonderfully Made

Wandering Through the Bible's photo.
July 15, 2015
I will praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Psalm 139:14
I have this new friend, Libby Clark, who has graciously agreed to share her art work with you, my readers. Doesn't she do a great job?! I think so too! kiki emoticon Keep reading and watching for more of her creations to be featured here at Wandering Through The Bible.
Remember how I wrote about falling down on Saturday? If not, the gist of the story is that I almost made it to the top of the stairs with my heavy load--in fact, I did make it to the top but missed the curb and then landed on my bottom. And my hand. And my arm. Ouch. I still have quite a bit of pain with this but you know what? I have been fearfully and wonderfully made! What hurts for a little while doesn't have to last. The bruises are healing; the scratches are working the pieces of skin back together. The pride may take a bit longer to negotiate though. wink emoticon
Isn't it funny how our bodies work? The slightest paper cut on a finger can cause much grief, while often a bigger injury--such as a fall or a banged head--can barely be noticed and we go about our daily ways with little thought to them? Guess that's the "wonderful" part of this verse. Now let's think about the "fearfully" part for just a minute or two.
Most of us have probably at one time or another given blood at a blood drive, right? We go in, let the workers stick us with their needles, lie there for a while as our blood fills a bag or two, and then eat a cookie (or when you go to Mountain Grove Church's Blood Drives they feed you a whole meal!), and go on our merry little ways, giving little thought to whose lives may be impacted by our small sacrifice. Am I right? Maybe those who have rarer blood types, such as my dear hubby, may consider more how theirs will be transferred, seeing how those types are in more need of this powerful fluid. Nonetheless, this minimal contribution of ours can be used in a desperate situation to indeed assist in prolonging the life of another.
Aren't you glad Jesus donated His blood so that we might be infused with this life force that promises us eternal life? Now that my friends is awesome! Wonderful! And it is also a fearful thing to know that if we don't accept His sacrifice that our days are numbered and our lives less powerful.
As you finish reading this blog, take a moment to silently thank Him for this. While you're at it, praise Him for your eyes that allowed you to see these words. And for hands that enable you to scroll through the computer. May as well tell Him thanks for a mind that is still clear and able to comprehend truth. I think you can take it from there! smile emoticon
Dear Lord,
Father, You have given us so many gifts and I want to briefly thank You for them. My eyes, my ability to think, speak, and move. Thank You for my body that takes a licking and keeps on ticking. Thank You for healing when I neglect it or when sickness comes. Thank You for creating such a wondrous pattern of veins and nerves and skin and bones and on and on and on.
Now I know there are many out there, Lord, who are suffering in their bodies as I write. I know many are fighting infections and/or cancers. Some are growing tiny little babies in theirs and again, WOW! Lord, how amazing is that?! Others God are battling diseases that I can't even spell. My friend Amanda comes to mind as she is being ravaged by TMJ and the horrible effects that go along with it. But on the other hand, my lifelong friend Melissa wrote earlier that her hubby's ol' ticker checked out well today. Woo hoo!
May I ask You to step in and do some more healing, Father? May I ask You to protect what You designed and not let the harms of this world overtake our bodies so that we are too focused on our pains and not promoting You? The devil is sneaky and he will strike at random, always trying to trip us up and bring us down to his level. Help us, I sincerely ask, to take care, to be strong in Your power, and to rely on You to complete what You began in us all those years ago.
Thank You, Lord God. You are truly wonderful! In the name of Jesus I pray. Amen.