
Wednesday, July 22, 2015

I Met Him at the Candy Store (Well, Not Really But It Kinda Goes With Today's Story)

July 22, 2015              

Did your granny ever tell you not to take candy from a stranger?  Did your parents ever teach you to not let unknown people hug on you?  Mine did too and if they were still alive, I'd probably be getting a spanking about now.

Look at this picture.  No, those aren't Cow Tails or Bull's Eyes.  These are made out of chocolate.  Yeah, that caught my attention too so, being the hip-and-with-it-soul that I am, I grabbed a bag of them while at Food Lion just a little while ago.  Interestingly enough, they also caught the cashier's eye.  She commented on how she'd never seen these before.  I remarked back that I hadn't either and after she'd ring them up, we'd try them together.  I opened the bag and got out two or three (three--this I know 'cause there was one extra).  She thanked me and said I had made her day.  Wow:  over a piece of candy?

As we chewed on the delights (and I assure you, they are really good!!), I pondered her words--after asking the man behind me if he wanted a piece too because he commented on how I was going to spoil the help.  As she finished totaling up my order and I placed all my bags in my cart, I reached in and got her a handful more to snack on later.  Great minds must think alike because--not to be outdone--she told me my total and said she had added a coupon to it because I had been so nice.  As I handed her the caramel chews, my eyes got a little misty.  I told her that was so nice of her and as she took the candies from my hand, she said "Now you can't leave here without giving me a hug!"  How could I refuse?!

Funny thing about this--well, maybe funny isn't the right word.  She was a younger girl.  My heart is still wandering over how a couple of pieces of candy could impact her so deeply.  Candy?  And just a few cents worth, at that.  Hmn.  We hugged and then I went on my merry little way with a smile on my face and curiosity  in my heart.

Before I had decided to even go to Food Lion for groceries, I had been pondering whether to go there or to my usual, Fair Value, but (and here's where I get to be like Jesus today) I really felt compelled to go to Food Lion (much like when He "must needs go through Samaria").  When I was in the candy aisle, I saw those tasty treats and debated about whether or not to get them because Steve rarely eats candy but--since they were so much like the Bull's Eyes that my gsons love--I decided to give them a try.  

So, as I conclude this blog today, I do so with a question for you:  does God really care about every little detail of my life?  Does He really concern Himself over where I shop, what items I buy, and how nice (or unnice) I am to those who assist me, serve me, and just chat to in line at various places?  Does He really care if I "like" or repost something on Facebook?  Does He even bother with the way I talk to people on the phone that I will probably never see?

Yeah.  I think--I believe He does.  I think His eyes are on the sparrows and that they are most certainly on me.  Kind of keeps me on my toes but in a good way.  After all, why would I want to be mean to others when the benefits of being sweet are so.... sweet themselves?  Besides, I don't want Taylor Swift singing "Why you gotta be so mean?" when instead I can hear the soft whispers of "Well done, My child."  

Let's pray!!

Dearest Lord God, thank You for the opportunity to do such a small thing today that had such a big impact on my heart and on my disposition.  Lord, You know the devil has been on me all day and most of last night, trying to get me to feel sorry for myself over things that just don't concern me anymore.  You know he has tried to steal my joy, my peace.  Thank You for being stronger than he is and for allowing me to stand in Your strength as I battle my own demons by focusing on others instead of self.

Help me to do more, Lord.  Help me to not be afraid to get involved in the lives of those around me--whether in my church, my community, or in my circles.  Use me to reflect the love of Jesus is my request, asked in His name.  Love You!  Amen!

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